Friday, October 20, 2017

Apply now! PPS Teachers Integrating & Learning Technology

Fill out an application to join the PPS TILT Cadre, a professional learning network focused on technology integration and best practices in classroom and leadership environments. The goals of this group include:
  • providing forums for networking and ongoing collaborative work
  • integrating proven and emerging technology effectively to support standards-based learning and teaching
  • modeling and practicing effective instructional strategies
  • focusing on exemplary professional learning to improve practice
This first year will focus on the exploration of technology resources in a safe collaborative environment to support students with personalized, equitable, racially and culturally responsive learning. Teachers will be expected to complete hands-on projects, improve their technology skills in a variety of areas and become proficient in using online tools.

If accepted, participation in this group is voluntary, not paid, and you must commit to three meetings: Thursdays, Jan. 18, March 15 and May 17, 2018 from 4-7 pm. Deadline to submit your application is Friday, Nov. 17, 2017 at 5 pm. PDUs are available. Only teachers are eligible to apply. Questions? Contact Melissa Lim,

Short link for the application

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Drive File Stream

Several users have reported concerns regarding news they heard about Google Drive going away. Good news, it's not Google Drive going away but the Google Drive app for Mac and Windows.

Drive File Stream is the replacement, a new application for your Mac or PC. You can use Drive File Stream to access all your Google Drive files from your computer while using less disk space and decreasing sync time. How does it work?
With Drive File Stream, you can:
  • Quickly see all your Google Drive files in Finder/Explorer (including Team Drives).
  • Browse and organize Google Drive files without downloading all of them to your computer.
  • Choose which files or folders you'd like to make available offline.
  • Open files in common apps like Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop.

How do I get started?
Install Drive File Stream and get started.
More information here.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Google Educator Groups

Google Educator Groups, or GEGs, are independently run communities of educators who inspire and empower each other to meet the needs of students through technology both in the classroom and beyond. Via face to face meetups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together. Join the GEG::Oregon group here and get connected to educator across the state and beyond!